Goodbye Urban Hallelujah

I am no longer going to be writing on Urban Hallelujah.  BUT, there is something I want to share with you, so please keep reading if you’re interested!

It’s no secret I haven’t posted at Urban Hallelujah in a long, long time.

A lot of things have happened since I last posted about taking that grocery store trip.  I moved across the country (again), had another baby, bought and sold a house, switched jobs.  Pretty much all the big life changes minus a death (thank the Lord!).  It was a wonderful year and also a very challenging one.

Needless to say, I needed that time to regroup and focus on my family.  I didn’t paint any furniture or do any side work.  I simply was a mama and a wife.  It’s a beautiful thing to be blessed with the opportunity to be home with the littles I love.  But I missed the creative outlet writing and painting and even cooking gave me.  I prayed God would give me something outside of these domestic duties, and He kept saying NO.


Until He said YES.

It might not have been what I had envisioned or what I was planning for, but it’s something I’m excited to share with you all:!


This site is super new, I haven’t even “launched” it to anyone I know yet!  I thought I would let you guys in on it first as you’ve been with me since the beginning of all of this.  Please check it out, feel free to drop me a note to say hello or even give me feedback on the site!  I do not have ANYTHING on the blog portion of the site yet, as that is going to go live when I make it public.  If you see “Nothing Found” when you go to the blog, that’s why.  Things are still shifting over there, so if you see things changing, missing or looking just plain weird, it’s because I’m behind my little ole computer during nap time trying to figure out how to run a website!

I hope to make it public next week, and I hope I’ll see you over there!

Goodbye, UrbanHallelujah.  Thank you for all you’ve taught me.


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